Why isn’t the “button” part of my Vuetify radio button visible?
Image by Andria - hkhazo.biz.id

Why isn’t the “button” part of my Vuetify radio button visible?

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Have you been scratching your head, wondering why the “button” part of your Vuetify radio button seems to be playing hide and seek? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the possible reasons behind this phenomenon and provide you with clear, actionable solutions to get your radio button looking ship-shape in no time!

Common Causes of the Invisible Radio Button

Before we dive into the fixes, let’s explore some common reasons why the “button” part of your Vuetify radio button might be MIA:

  • Incorrect markup or syntax: A small typo or incorrect usage of Vuetify’s radio group component can cause the button to disappear.
  • Missing or incorrect CSS styling: Vuetify relies on specific CSS classes to style its components. If these classes are missing or incorrect, the button might not be visible.
  • Overriding Vuetify’s default styles: If you’ve overridden Vuetify’s default styles with your own custom CSS, it might conflict with the component’s functionality.
  • Using an outdated version of Vuetify: Vuetify is constantly evolving, and older versions might have bugs or limitations that can cause issues like this.

Fix 1: Double-Check Your Markup and Syntax

Let’s start with the basics! Review your code and make sure you’re using the correct markup and syntax for the Vuetify radio group component:

  <v-radio-group v-model="selectedOption">
    <v-radio label="Option 1" value="option1"></v-radio>
    <v-radio label="Option 2" value="option2"></v-radio>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      selectedOption: 'option1'

Make sure you’ve imported Vuetify correctly and that you’re using the correct version. If you’re still using Vuetify 1.x, you might need to update to the latest version (2.x or higher).

Fix 2: Inspect and Verify CSS Styling

Next, let’s inspect the CSS styling to ensure that Vuetify’s default styles are being applied correctly:

  • Open your browser’s developer tools (F12 or Ctrl + Shift + I)
  • Inspect the radio group component
  • Verify that the following classes are present:
    • v-radio-group
    • v-radio-group–row (if you’re using a horizontal layout)
    • v-radio
    • v-radio–button (this is the class that styles the radio button)
  • If any of these classes are missing, review your Vuetify installation and ensure that the CSS files are being loaded correctly.

Fix 3: Avoid Overriding Vuetify’s Default Styles

If you’ve overridden Vuetify’s default styles with your own custom CSS, try removing or commenting out these styles to see if they’re causing the issue:

For example, if you have a custom CSS file with the following code:

.v-radio {
  /* custom styles here */

Try commenting out the entire section or removing the custom styles to see if the radio button becomes visible again.

Fix 4: Update to the Latest Version of Vuetify

If you’re using an outdated version of Vuetify, it’s possible that you’re encountering a bug that’s been fixed in newer versions:

Check your package.json file to see which version of Vuetify you’re using:

"dependencies": {
  "vuetify": "^2.3.10"

Compare this with the latest version available on the Vuetify website or on npm. If you’re using an older version, update to the latest version using npm or yarn:

npm install vuetify@latest

Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks

Still having issues? Here are some additional troubleshooting tips and tricks:

  1. Check the VueDevtools: If you’re using VueDevtools, check the component tree to ensure that the radio button component is being rendered correctly.
  2. Verify the data model: Make sure that your data model is correct and that the radio button’s value is being bound correctly to the selected option.
  3. Test in a minimal reproduction: Create a minimal reproduction of the issue in a new Vue project to isolate the problem.


By following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to resolve the issue of the invisible radio button in your Vuetify application. Remember to double-check your markup and syntax, verify CSS styling, avoid overriding Vuetify’s default styles, and update to the latest version of Vuetify. Happy coding!

Troubleshooting Step What to Check Actionable Fix
Incorrect markup or syntax Markup and syntax of the radio group component Verify correct usage and syntax
Missing or incorrect CSS styling CSS classes applied to the radio group component Verify Vuetify’s default styles are being applied correctly
Overriding Vuetify’s default styles Custom CSS styles overriding Vuetify’s defaults Comment out or remove custom styles
Using an outdated version of Vuetify Version of Vuetify being used Update to the latest version of Vuetify

Remember, debugging is all about being methodical and patient. Take your time, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re still stuck!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck on why your Vuetify radio button’s “button” part is playing hide and seek? Don’t worry, we’ve got the answers!

Why isn’t the “button” part of my Vuetify radio button visible?

This might be due to the `dense` prop being set to `true` on the radio group or one of its ancestors. Try setting `dense` to `false` to make the button visible again!

Could the CSS styles be hiding the button?

You’re on the right track! Yes, it’s possible that some custom CSS styles are overriding the default Vuetify styles, making the button invisible. Check your CSS files and try resetting the styles or using the Vuetify default styles to see if that solves the issue.

What if I’m using a custom component for my radio button?

Ah-ha! Custom components can sometimes cause issues. Make sure you’re correctly importing and registering the Vuetify radio button component, and that your custom component isn’t overriding its styles or behavior. Double-check your code and try using the original Vuetify radio button component to see if that resolves the issue.

Could it be related to the version of Vuetify I’m using?

You’re getting close! Yes, it’s possible that the issue is related to the Vuetify version you’re using. Check the Vuetify documentation for the version you’re using to see if there are any known issues or changes related to radio buttons. You can also try updating to the latest version to see if that resolves the issue.

What if none of the above solutions work?

Don’t worry, we’ve got your back! If none of the above solutions work, try creating a minimal reproduction of the issue and post it on the Vuetify forums or GitHub issues. The Vuetify community is super helpful and will do their best to assist you in troubleshooting the issue.

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